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Saturday, November 29, 2008


Candor in business -- or in any kind of organization -- is a rare and wondrous thing. Rare because, as we have discovered during our travels over the past seven years, so few companies have it. Wondrous because when they do, everything just operates faster and better.Now, we're not suggesting there is epidemic of malevolent dishonesty out there in the business world.

Rather, we're observing that too many people – too often -- instinctively don’t express themselves with frankness. They don’t communicate straightforwardly, or put forth ideas looking to get real debate. They just don’t open up. Instead they withhold comments or criticism. They keep their mouths shut in order to make people “feel better,” or avoid conflict, and they sugarcoat bad news in order to maintain appearances. They keep things to themselves, hoarding information. That’s all lack of candor, and it’s absolutely damaging.And yet, lack of candor permeates almost every aspect of business.

We've heard stories from people at hundreds of different companies who describe the complete lack of candor they experience day-to-day, in every type of meeting, from budget and product reviews to strategy sessions. People talk about the bureaucracy, layers, politicking, and false politeness that lack of candor spawns. They ask how they get their companies to be places where people put their views on the table, talk about the world realistically, and debate ideas from every angle. Most often, we hear that lack of candor is missing from performance appraisals.

In fact, we hear about that so often that we always end up asking audiences for a show of hands to the question: “How many of you have received an honest, straight-between-the-eyes feedback session in the last year, where you came out of it knowing exactly what you have to do to improve and where you stand in the organization?”On a good day, 20 percent of the hands go up. Most of the time, it is closer to 10 percent.Interestingly enough, when we turn the question around and ask the audience how often they’ve given an honest, candid appraisal to their people, the numbers don’t improve much.

Forget outside competition when your own worst enemy is the way you communicate with each other internally!


Let’s look at how candor leads to winning. There are three main ways.First and foremost, candor gets more people in the conversation, and when you get more people in the conversation, to state to obvious, you get idea-rich, meaning, many more ideas get surfaced, discussed, pulled apart, and improved.

Instead of everyone shutting down, everyone opens up and learns. Any organization – or unit or team -- that brings more people and their MINDS into the conversation has got an immediate advantage. Second, candor generates speed. When ideas are in everyone’s face, they can be debated rapidly, expanded and enhanced, and acted upon.

That approach – surface, debate, improve, decide -- isn’t just an advantage, it’s a necessity in a global marketplace. You can be sure that any upstart five-person enterprise down the street or in Shanghai or in Bangalore can move faster than you to begin with. Candor is one way to keep up.Third, candor cuts costs – lots – although you’ll never be able to put a precise number on it.

Just think of how it eliminates meaningless meetings and B.S. reports that confirm what everyone already knows. Think of how candor replaces fancy Power Point slides and mind-numbing presentations and boring off-site conclaves with real conversations, whether they’re about company strategy, a new product introduction, or someone’s performance.Put all of its benefits and efficiencies together and you realize you just can’t afford not to have candor.


Given the advantages of candor, you have to wonder, why don’t we have more of it?Well, the problem starts young. The facts are, we are socialized from childhood to soften bad news or to make nice about awkward subjects. That is true in every culture and in every country and in every social class. It doesn’t make any difference if you are in Iceland or Portugal, you don’t insult your mother’s cooking or call your best friend fat or tell an elderly aunt that you hated her wedding gift.

You just don’t.Why? Well, when you try to understand candor, you are really trying to understand human nature. For hundreds of years, psychologists and social scientists have studied why people don’t say what they mean, and philosophers have been reflecting on the same subject for literally thousands of years. A good friend of ours, Nancy Bauer, is a professor of philosophy at Tufts University. When we ask her about candor, she says that most philosophers have come to the same conclusions on this topic as most of us laypeople do with age and experience.

Eventually, you come to realize that people don’t speak their minds because it’s simply easier not to. When you tell it like it is, you can so easily create a mess –- anger, pain, confusion, sadness, resentment. To make matters worse, you then feel compelled to clean that mess up, which can be awful and awkward and time-consuming.

That’s why, Nancy says, philosophers like Aristotle and Emmanuel Kant believe that lack of candor has nothing to do with preventing sadness or pain in anotherperson, or with being kind or decent. In fact and in practice, it is all about self-interest – making your own life easier.Kant had another point, too.

He said that people lack candor because when you speak your mind and the news isn’t good, you stand a strong chance of becoming unpopular. Most human beings, Kant said, will do almost anything to escape that fate. The irony, he said, is that in avoiding candor in order to be liked, people actually destroy trust, and in doing so, ultimately erode a good society. The same could be said about eroding good businesses.


Now for the really bad news. Even though candor is vital to winning, it is hard and time-consuming to instill in any group, no matter what size. Hard because you are fighting human nature and entrenched organizational behaviors, and time-consuming, as in years and years. At GE, it took us close to a decade to really feel it, and it was by no means complete after twenty. Still it can be done.

There is nothing scientific about the process. To get candor, you reward it, praise it, and talk about it. You make public heroes out of people who demonstrate it. Most of all, you yourself demonstrate it in an exuberant and even exaggerated way – even when you’re not the boss.Imagine yourself for a second at a meeting where the subject is growth and how to get it at an old-line division.

Everyone is sitting around the table, civilly talking about how hard it is to win in this particular market or industry. They discuss the tough competition. They surface the same old reasons why they can’t grow and why they are actually doing well in this environment. In fact, by the time the meeting ends, they’ve managed to pat themselves on the back for the “success” they’ve enjoyed “under the circumstances.”

Inside your head, you’re about ready to burst, as you tell yourself, “Here we go again. I know Bob and Mary across the room feel the same way I do – the complacency around here is killing us.” Outside, all three of you are playing the game. You’re nodding. Now imagine an environment where you take responsibility for candor.

You, Bob, or Mary would ask questions like:“Isn’t there a new product or service idea in this business somewhere that we just haven’t thought of yet?” “Can we jumpstart this business with an acquisition?”“This business is taking up so many resources. Why don’t we get the hell out of it?” What a different meeting! What a lot more fun, and how much better for everyone.Another situation that happens all the time is a high-growth business with a self-satisfied crowd managing it. You know the scene at the long-range planning meeting.

The managers show up with double-digit growth – say 15 percent – and pound out slide after slide showing how well they are doing. Top management nods their approval, but you’re sitting there knowing there’s a lot more juice in that business. To compound matters, the people presenting the slides are peers of yours, and there’s that age-old code hanging in the air -- if you don’t challenge mine, I won’t challenge yours.

Frankly, the only way I know of to get out of this bind – and introduce candor -- is to poke around in a non-threatening way. “Jeez, you’re good. What a terrific job. This is the best business we’ve got. Why not put more resources into it and go for more?” “With the great team you’ve put in place, there must be ten acquisitions out there for you. Have you looked globally?”Those questions, and others like them, have the power to change the meeting from a self-congratulatory parade to a stimulating working session.


Now, you may be thinking, I can’t raise those questions because I don’t want to look like a jerk. I want to be a team player. It is true that candid comments definitely freak people out at first. In fact, the more polite or bureaucratic or formal your organization, the more your candor will scare and upset people, and yes, it could kill you.

That’s a risk, and only you can decide if you are willing to take it. Of course you’ll have an easier time of installing candor in your organization it if you are closer to the top. But don’t blame your boss or the CEO if your company lacks candor – open dialogue can start anywhere.


Look, we’ve talked a lot in this section about one word. But it’s really very simple – candor works because candor unclutters. Yes, yes, everyone agrees that candor is against human nature. So is waking up at 5 am for the 6:10 am train every day. So is eating lunch at your desk so you won’t miss an important meeting at 1.

But for the sake of your team or your organization, you do a lot of things that aren’t easy. The good thing about candor is that it’s an “unnatural act” that is more than worth it. It is impossible to imagine a world where everyone goes around saying what they really think all the time. And you probably wouldn’t want it anyway – too much information! But even if we get halfway there, lack of candor wouldn’t be the biggest dirty little secret in business anymore.It would be its biggest change for the better
posted by Win Your Dreams @ 12:28 AM   0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008

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© 2008 Win Your Dreams by WYD Team
posted by Win Your Dreams @ 10:23 PM   0 comments
The Concept of Winning


Every now and again, somebody asks us what’s so good about winning. It always stops us in our tracks. What, we wonder, could be bad about it?In fact, we think winning is great. Not good – great.

The reasons are simple. Winning in business is great because when companies win, people thrive and grow. There are more jobs and more opportunities everywhere and for everyone. People feel upbeat about the future; they have the resources to send their kids to college, get better health care, buy vacation homes, and secure a comfortable retirement.And winning gives them the opportunity to give back to society in hugely important ways beyond just paying more taxes – they can give time and money to charities and mentor in inner-city schools, to name just two. Winning lifts everyone it touches – it just makes the world a better place.

When companies are losing, on the other hand, everyone takes a hit. People feel scared. They have lessened financial security, and limited time or money to do anything for anyone else. All they do is worry and upset their families, and in the meantime, if they’re out of work, they pay little, if any, taxes.Let’s talk about taxes for a minute. While government is a key part of society and vital to all of us, it makes no money of its own. All the necessary things it provides -- the justice system, education, police and fire protection, highways and ports, welfare and hospitals -- come from some form of tax revenue.

Government is the support for the engine, it is not the engine.Winning companies are the engine of a healthy society and nothing short of the foundation of a free and democratic society. That’s why winning is great.Now it goes without saying that you have to win the right way – cleanly and by the rules. That’s a given. Companies and people that don’t compete fairly don’t deserve to win, and thanks to well-honed internal company processes and government regulatory agencies, the bad guys are usually found and kicked out of the game. But companies and people in business that are honest – and that’s the vast, vast majority – must find the way to win. That is, in large part, what this website is all about.

Source: Welch Way

By: WYD Team
posted by Win Your Dreams @ 12:27 AM   0 comments
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Have a Nice Day,
WYD Team
posted by Win Your Dreams @ 10:50 PM   0 comments
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posted by Win Your Dreams @ 10:39 PM   0 comments
SQL Tutorials-one
Tutorial Section

In which we query the BBC country profile table.
2a) More practice with SELECT:
Additional practice of the basic features using a table of Nobel Prize winners.
In which we form queries using other queries.
3) SUM and COUNT:
In which we apply aggregate functions. [more the same]
4) The JOIN operation:
In which we join two tables; ttms and country. [previously music tutorial]
5) More JOIN operations:
In which we join actors to movies in the Movie Database.
6) Using Null:
In which we look at teachers in departments. [previously Scottish Paliament]
7) Self join:
In which we join Edinburgh bus routes to Edinburgh bus routes.

Reference Section: how to...

How to read the data from a database.
How to create tables, indexes, views and other things. How to get rid of them.
How to put records into a table, change them and how to take them out again.
4) DATE and TIME
How to work with dates; adding, subtracting and formatting.
5) Functions
How to use string functions, logical functions and mathematical functions.
6) Users
How to create users, GRANT and DENY access, get at other peoples tables. How to find processes and kill them.
7) Meta Data
How to find out what tables and columns exist. How to count and limit the rows return.
Error Messages
Some error messages from SQL engines
posted by Win Your Dreams @ 8:51 PM   0 comments
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The Money Market Most of us know the basics of stocks and bonds, but what about the money market? It is a trillion dollar financial market.

The Forex Market Learn how the largest and fastest growing market can work for you.

Socially Responsible Investing Investing with your heart is something that few of us ever consider. You don't need to sacrifice performance either.

Choosing Quality Mutual Funds Our step-by-step mutual fund scoring system will help you uncover the top-quality funds.

Analyzing Stocks

Fundamental Analysis A tour through the financial statements as well as how to use 20 common performance ratios.

Advanced Financial Statement Analysis Learn what it means to do your homework before investing in a company.

Technical AnalysisPicking peaks, bottoms, trends, patterns, and more. Lets look at some basic and successful methods using technical analysis.

Ratio Analysis We will show you and interpret the calculations of 20 of the most popular ratios for solvency, financing, and others.

The Industry HandbookTake a look at the various techniques to determine the value and quality of companies from an industry perspective.

Detecting Market Strength Learn several tools that the pros use to predict where the markets are heading.

The Basics of Mergers and Acquisitions Learn what corporate restructuring is, why companies do it, and why it sometimes doesn't work.

Accounting and Valuing ESOsReview the accounting treatment of employee stock options (ESOs) and the best ways for investors to incorporate them into their analysis of stocks.

Guide to Stock Picking StrategiesLearn about the most popular stock-picking strategies, including their philosophies, methods, and tools.

Moving Averages Learn why the moving average is one of the most popular technical analysis indicators used today.

The Economy

All About InflationWhy do things seem to cost more and more each year? Why do we constantly hear about inflation in the news?

The Federal ReserveYou have probably heard about the "Feds", but do you know what they do and how the board is comprised?

Understanding Economic IndicatorsLearn about the 11 important indicators for any investor. Especially ones such as the CPI, PPI, and GDP.

Have a Nice Day,
WYD Team
posted by Win Your Dreams @ 3:35 AM   0 comments
Basic Fundamentals
Some Finance Basic Links for you

Do you know that you should invest, but don't know where to start? Then this primer is a must read!

Find out the different types of stock, how the markets work, and all about the bulls and bears.

Find out what bonds are, the different types, and why they are important for your portfolio.

Learn what mutual funds are mutual funds as well as their pros and cons.

"How much do I need to retire?" Lets look at some of the factors to consider.

Knowing the basics of economics is important for several reasons - find out why!

Discover how owning properties can give you a roof over your head or a check in your pocket.

Learn how to navigate what may be your biggest and most important loan.
Now That You've Started

Here are 20 types of Investments that we feel every investor should be aware of.

What you need to know before choosing a stock broker that is right for you and trading online.

The Internet has made investment fraud and scams much easier. What do you have to watch out for?

Learn how to evaluate a company's present and future performance with these 30 important ratios.

What is the P/E ratio, and what does it really tell us and is it as useful as you think?

Take a tour through the world's most popular indexes and learn about their composition.

Learn how to read 6 popular tables published in newspapers and on the web.

Learn what an IPO is and if it's possible for mere mortals like us to get in on one?

Here you can read about the backgrounds and achievements of those people who have mastered the art of investing.

Have a Nice Day,
WYD Team
posted by Win Your Dreams @ 3:12 AM   0 comments
Why Good People Do,Bad Things in Business

I have even heard wisecracks made about 'business people' in the presence of men and women who are, in fact, part of this much maligned community. I have seen and heard these people laugh at the jokes and cutting comments as if these judgment are about the other 'business people' -- not them. I recall going into a bookstore some years back and asking about a book called Business Ethics. As the clerk moved to the computer to check his inventory, he muttered, 'Now there's an oxymoron.'

Most of the time when people refer to 'business people' it is done with a negative connotation. We see it in the news media
when the newscasters and writers refer to 'the suits' who are, after all, the 'business people' who 'only are interested in the bottom line.'

We hear it whenever anyone in any artistic endeavor references how the influence of the 'business people' has made economics the only priority. We've heard 'business people' referred to pejoratively in professional sports, as people start seeing their heroes as mere pawns in big business dealings. How often do we hear, 'Well, what can you expect? It is a business after all.'Several years ago Nations Bank acquired California's own Bank of America and CEO Hugh McColl blatantly ignored promises he made beforehand and laid off thousands. The San Francisco Examiner -- while critical of the morality of McColl's actions -- summarized their story with an implied endorsement of the man 'who you'd definitely want in your corner when it comes to business.'

This characterization of McColl made my blood boil -- not so much for the affirmation of his actions but because the newspaper was so ready to accept the practice of un-kept promises and betrayed trust as 'business as usual.'
If we take a few minutes to see who these 'business people', are we will find that most of us belong to this community of people loosely defined as 'business people.'

Surprised? Well, if you work for a company or own your own business, you are part of an economic system that traditionally honors economic gain more than anything. As a player in that system, you contribute in a very direct way to business being the way it is.
Therefore, you ARE one of those 'business people' who you've probably criticized before. If you are a manager or an investor you are one of the 'business people.' If you work for a governmental agency, or a non-profit organization, and do things differently because of budgets, funding or following manager's procedures, you are one of them.

Near as I can tell, the only people who aren't part of this economic system that has become so dominant these days are monks or nuns in monastic settings who grow their own food and are completely self-reliant.

In other words, anyone who deals with, is persuaded by, or receives gain from money or the exchange of goods and services is a 'business person.' They are all parts of the system of commerce we call business.

Now that we can see that most of us belong to this group of people we've come to denigrate so often, why do 'we' have this reputation for being so greedy, unethical, ruthless and uncaring, and myopic when it comes to people, life balance, and the environment?
The answer lies in the system we all make up
-- the business system or the culture of economic dominance in which we all play our various roles. Normally, good people will tend to behave in ways they would never consider when they are immersed in certain social systems.

This is very obvious in some cases -- like religious cults, teenage gangs, militia groups, revolutionary terrorists and other groups that usually appeal to a smaller part of the population. I suppose the worst case example of a system-gone-wrong would be a lynch mob.
I'm using the term 'system' to describe a set of expectations and relational dynamics -- like 'rules' that people subscribe to. For instance, a relatively benign example: your family may have a tradition of making a toast during a particular holiday before dinner and, when the situation occurs, you feel certain pressures to conform. So you join in the toast.
But some systems can be much more demanding. Let's say you are a rookie police officer assigned to a precinct where there has been a tradition that you never learned in the police academy.

You are told by your partner that 'this is the way we do things here' and the intense intimidation on the first day gradually becomes a routine months later. Eventually, you may be the veteran telling the new rookies 'how things are done' on the job. It has simply become the way you do the job.

Company culture and the story of the apes

Systems in business are what corporate consultants call 'company culture.' One great story about how corporate cultures can be perpetuated is the story of the five apes which I included in my last book -- Getting to the Better Future.

Here it is:

Put five apes in a room. Hang a banana from the ceiling and place a ladder underneath the banana. The banana is only reachable by climbing the ladder.
Have it set up so any time an ape starts to climb the ladder, the whole room is sprayed with ice cold water. In a short time, all the apes will learn not to climb the ladder.

Now... take one ape out and replace him with another one (Ape #6). Then disable the sprayer. The new ape will start to climb the ladder and will be attacked unmercifully by the other four apes. He will have no idea why he was attacked. Replace another of the original apes with a new one and the same thing will happen, with ape 6 doing the most hitting.

Continue this pattern until all the original apes have been replaced. Now all of the apes will stay off the ladder, attacking any ape that attempts to, and have absolutely no idea why they are doing it.

This is how company policy and culture is formed.

We underestimate the power and influence of the systems we belong to, particularly those systems to which we become attached emotionally. Each of us is a member -- formally or informally -- of many systems. And most of these systems include an emotional component, like a loyalty, some personal identification or source of pride, something that represents meaning to us. Each of us has a nationality, a race, religious background, family heritage, education background, childhood experiences, and other historic influences which still affect us in subtle ways.

Each of us belongs to some community, in some city or town, in some state or province, in some country, possibly belonging to one political party or another, work within some industry or profession and belong to a group of co-workers or friends with whom we share many values. We may be a fan of certain sports and admire certain superstars or actors or musicians or other people who influence us. In all so many ways, we identify with many of these systems or cultures or communities.

On their own, systems do not have consciences. The only thing that keeps a system moral and a sense of integrity is the people who make it up.

If the people within any system tend to take it for granted or take a nap from the every day events that occur within the system, bad behavior can start manifesting. If some person, a human being, doesn't notice when this occurs, it is likely to go unchallenged and even devolve into 'the way things are done here.'This is how Enron's debacle happened. This is how empires implode. This is how political dynasties come to an end. This is how seemingly successful companies shock the world by declaring bankruptcy.

The organizations or systems begin to tolerate shadow-like behavior which festers into even darker and more entrenched ways of being and then, out of the blue, they disintegrate seemingly overnight and people wonder what happened. This is the insidious nature of systems dysfunction.

So what's the antidote?

The antidote is consciousness. The answer is at least one person who notices and says something. Be they whistleblowers or simply people who haven't fallen asleep, these people are the sole antibody to this organizational pandemic. Hundreds of systems influence each of us. Like chords tied by the Lilliputians, our Gulliver is pulled in many directions -- most of which we are unaware. One way to be more aware of these forces, these pressures to act and think in certain ways, is for us to become more conscious, to know ourselves so well we don't make any choices that are not conscious choices. We don't unconsciously decide anything!

Can this level of consciousness really be achieved? It certainly is an ideal to strive for, however, even if it is never reached. I know I'm a long way from being this conscious although I strive for it constantly in my own growth. The greater one's consciousness, the more aware one becomes about the choices one is making and, therefore, one can exercise
conscious discernment about what he or she will do or won't do.

Until this state of consciousness is realized, people will make many unconscious choices because they are unaware of the influences of the systems in which they live and work, now or in the past.

Good people do bad things in business because they

do not appreciate the power of the systems that influence them while they are 'asleep' from a consciousness perspective. Like people who can be easily hypnotized, unconsciousness allows forces to permeate us in ways we hardly understand.

These forces find their ways into our psyches and search out each and every shadow or bit of darkness within us. These bits of darkness are our unconscious insecurities and fears which make us vulnerable and susceptible to anything which panders to these hidden parts of ourselves.

The only reason there is darkness within us is that we haven't become aware of those parts of ourselves; we've denied them and pushed them back into our subconscious, evicting them from our consciousness and burying them in the catacombs of our minds where we hope to never see them again. This burial makes us susceptible to the ghosts which can come to haunt us later when the oh-so-subtle but so very powerful forces of the systems in which we hang out have their way with us.

The world's most dominant system is the economic system that drives almost every other system around the globe. Economics is the '800 pound gorilla' and most of us do what it wants! Business is wedded to this monster gorilla, making it one of the most dominating and intimidating forces in the world.

When such dominating systems do something even a 'little bad' the effects can be disastrous. Likewise, when systems this powerful do anything the least bit 'good' the effects can be amazingly beneficial.

Think about it. All the other systems are prepared to interact with business in a certain way -- a way that they have come to expect over the years. Any departure from the common perception of business people being 'bad' could have an incredibly beneficial result in the world.
All we need is for more 'business people' to become more conscious so they can be more themselves and less like automatons of the system to which they belong.
So, all we need to do in order to have 'good people' do 'good things' in business is for people to become more aware of themselves, the influences that surround them and make responsible choices despite pressures to choose differently.

Have a Nice Day,

WYD Team
posted by Win Your Dreams @ 12:39 AM   0 comments
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